December 23, 2008


Just remembered that I was going to finish my mother's print o' the wave stole FINALLY this christmas. Since it wasn't finished for her birthday, or christmas, or her next birthday. Wooopss. Don't think it'll happen for the 24th.

December 22, 2008


Argh. Sick. I've avoided this for a while using the old standbys- zinc and licorice capsules. Mostly I feel like doing a whole lot of nothing. BUT I have an eye app. to get contacts (praise the mom), an app. with the bank, needs to wrap presents, and go pick up a !!FREE!! bike!! Yesh.. There WILL BE A PICK. this is me committing. Enjoy your holiday!

December 18, 2008

Grumble grumble grumble

holiday knitting continues......and I am grumpy. I have been waking up lately feeling like the living dead. Me no likey. Anyhoo, right this second I am working on a crochet bath puff in Mission Falls 1824 cotton (yumyumyuym) in the most marvelous cool, dark grey. The first one of these I made is still in limbo. I held together some novelty yarn I wouldn't normally knit with the sexiest organic cotton ever made. My MIL is awesome about randomly giving me yarn she finds from her brief knitting career, but the yarns are hard for me to like. I LOVE fibers. Cotton and bamboo and silk and wool and even some polys and acryls and what not, but I do not love fuzzy yarns. I don't really even like mohair. (YET, I never say never) Soooo, I have this poof almost finished, knit with the yarn she gave me, sort of as a thank you. I don't hate knitting with the yarnheldtogetherwithsexycotton, I just don't like what it looks like. Feels ok. not so pretty.

WHAT DOES I DO? RIP OR FINISH? I'll try to post a pic later today when I rescue my camera which I leave at work. Why's it at work, interesting question. I need it to take before and afters when I do eyelash extensions. yurp. you got it. I do eyelash extensions in my momma's shop. oh, it's fun. it is a LOT of fun. I am about to convert to a different product and take some training for the new PLATINUM BOND ADHESIVEooooooooh. One thing I don't like about the world of eyelash extensions: everyone who trains is so freakin stuck up. I almost didn't sign up for training because the trainer, the one who I will pay, was rude to me. ugh. come on now people, come on.

My dad's side of the fam does a name draw for christmas. My mom actually convinced me to knit for the aunt and uncle I drew. Carazy. Let ya know how that turns out.....

December 17, 2008

Oh dear....

Almost a year without a post? ahem. Well, school is done, I should have more time, right? Hahahahahahhahahhahahahah!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Welcome to grownuphood, the official time-suck. I will try more harder like to daily type. maybe there will even be PICTURES...ooooh. we'll see....
hey bird! stop eating my hair!

January 27, 2008

Like a rolling stone...

I'm just gonna say, intersession was nuts. Wheel throwing was pretty fuckin awesome. In another life, huh? Now that the spring session is coming up, I have to admit: I'm feeling more lost about what I want to do, make, create, who I am as an artist, what my style is....all of those things. More lost than ever. I am just so scared that I will let myself down....and that is how it happens right there, folks. I'm scared. But it's okay. I just decided, right now, while watching Bob Dylan on PBS that I CAN figure it out. And it doesn't matter if I don't live up to my own standards. In fact it's probably a good thing I can't, because I'd have to be some sort of robot-super-hero-clone to live up to my own expectations. And THAT would just be damn creepy.
I've actually been productive in the knitting sense. I knit some pocketbook slippers, a Tychus, some Vinnlands, finished Ludog's gloves, and started him some socks. AND I have begun a journey to the other side. I just this very night purchased a kickspindle and some roving. Oh shit son. Whether I feel good about school or not, I do know that I am going to be all up ons some spinning. Word.