February 14, 2011

unknitting is my spec-i-ality

I do believe I have contracted a severe and debilitating case of knitardation. This only seems to be occurring when working on a well-written and charted pattern at the point of 200+ stitch rows. Ahem, at the BEGINNING of these never ending, mind you, easy to knit rows. Have you ever tinked a ssk? How about two of them, every 8 stitches eighteen times?

So the well-written pattern I speak of is Terra by Jared Flood. It truly is an excellent, fun, pattern. It is allll me people. Good thing, though, since now I can offer gads of advice to my students who sign up for the knit along in March. The shawl is knit in ultra alpaca. The green in super lovely! Of course the camera screwed it up, but just think: soft pinemint.

February 8, 2011

SC 5, MB, SC 5, rippppppp....

oi. edgings are ever so important. They Reallllly can make or break something. I could have been finished with the lovely diagonal scarf were it not for the tricky questions a knitter (in the case crocheter) must ask oneself: Begin on right (ooh, look at the pretty chain!) or wrong side (it does seem to lay flat better)? Large bobbles with double crochet or smaller bobble with single crochet? Have it hug the knitting or chain one before and after?

These are the little quirks that distinguish a pattern! Also, is it lovely to work as well as behold? And now that I've decided, how the junk do I write this in English without taking up half of a page?

Nice little break, now back to the eleventeen different edgings on this scarf......

February 7, 2011

Hello two years later....

*lets ignore the silence*
Had a stove full of wool and cake coloring paste on Sat.
Here are the results:

Played artsy-fartsy with friends on Sunday:

Just looked over the class schedule for Stitches South. Meh. I don't see a whole lot I am interested in. I was hoping to find SOMETHING knitting just to be able to survey teaching styles, but I have settled on one spinning class: spinning for knitting on Sat. 8:30-11:30. I'll have to remember to bring my french press and coffee and chicory for the early start.

Wishing AGAIN today that I had the beatnik sweater here with me. Every time I put it on at McNeedles, I don't want to take it off.