July 17, 2007

Takin' Breaks

I suppose tinking back to fix a cable that is not broken is a sign to take a break. Progress on the cardie has been rewarding! Almost to the armpits. And holy crap, ask me how many skeins I have used! Don't be frightened by my enthusiasm, ask! I'm not eve through the second. Dayum, huh? Me likey. However, this just has me contemplating what to knit with the leftovers. I am thinking some sock-boots. I'm also thinking I need to buy new yarn. Like I could just start a new project with yarn from the last! Ha! (Particularly good pizza)

July 8, 2007

Hey good looking, whatcha got cookin'?

Howdy! Soooo...trifles pics? Yeah, um, they were good. We'll leave it at that. How bout some wine 'n berries? But this week-end (end of week and the weekend? What/ev) was homemaker-licious. Me and the Ludog made some pizza with our gifted pizza stone. Delish. Actually, surprisingly so. We're proud. So proud we made another last night.
Who knew I'd ever be inspired by Martha Stewart? It was definitely her guest more so, not that it makes it any better that I spent the better part of a day making candy. Like what we need is mountains of candy, but that's what we got. And it's good. Really good. Don't worry, some will be mailed off to deserving recipients, not all that sugar's going in the bellies. On a Sunday, however, this freezer-full of choc has me asking, "Is it time to go to the laundromat? (?) (!!!)
Socks are moving along. God I love this color way. I do.

July 4, 2007


Bought a new cookbook last night and the ingredients for raspberry and blackberry trifles. NUM. Well, the knitting is on a bit of a standstill. Since the gloves have been nixed until a better yarn is purchased, what is there to work on? I don't dare start the cardie, cuz soon as the new-improved hubbie-glovie-yarn is purchased, I'll have to devote all my time to then or there will be hell to pay. So yesterday I attempted to pick up the stitches on the twisted flower socks. That shit was confusing. So I'm taking the easy road and casting on for the second sock. That is what I WAS doing until hubbie put on HP and the goblet of fire. Ya know, when I was wasn't living with a person of interest, if I had free time, I'd knit some damn socks. But now my free time is being vied for....well ya know. Anyway, with luck I'll have some pretty trifle picks later...

July 2, 2007

Is it just fine?

It's just fine. After shortening a couple fingers, weaving in all the ends, and chopping off the much-too-tight ribbing, I took at couple shots and realized.... (Ignore the strange color please)

the f'ing yarn is already pilling. Yeah, these are gonna look real good after a couple of wears. So basically I made myself a template for gloves to come. Back to the yarn store....which in truth, I'm not so unhappy about. He he!

Today was a little funky. I don't feel right. I felt great this morning om'ing with W.L. on the giant t.v. and great when I met Ludog for lunch (not so great when I 'skint' my ankle on the stone steps on the way to see him, but at least it was because I looked great in a white sundress and sassy brown heels) but the feeling faded once I got home by myself again. Doesn't usually happen....maybe I'm feeling the lonesomeness again. Miss my friends.