July 17, 2007

Takin' Breaks

I suppose tinking back to fix a cable that is not broken is a sign to take a break. Progress on the cardie has been rewarding! Almost to the armpits. And holy crap, ask me how many skeins I have used! Don't be frightened by my enthusiasm, ask! I'm not eve through the second. Dayum, huh? Me likey. However, this just has me contemplating what to knit with the leftovers. I am thinking some sock-boots. I'm also thinking I need to buy new yarn. Like I could just start a new project with yarn from the last! Ha! (Particularly good pizza)

1 comment:

V said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog - and congratulations, newlywed! :)

Re: stash, your philosophy is a good one! If / when I actually get whittled down, I'd certainly like to try to stick to something similar and only have enough socked away for a few projects, not 80.

Your cardigan looks great so far - pretty cables!