July 4, 2007


Bought a new cookbook last night and the ingredients for raspberry and blackberry trifles. NUM. Well, the knitting is on a bit of a standstill. Since the gloves have been nixed until a better yarn is purchased, what is there to work on? I don't dare start the cardie, cuz soon as the new-improved hubbie-glovie-yarn is purchased, I'll have to devote all my time to then or there will be hell to pay. So yesterday I attempted to pick up the stitches on the twisted flower socks. That shit was confusing. So I'm taking the easy road and casting on for the second sock. That is what I WAS doing until hubbie put on HP and the goblet of fire. Ya know, when I was wasn't living with a person of interest, if I had free time, I'd knit some damn socks. But now my free time is being vied for....well ya know. Anyway, with luck I'll have some pretty trifle picks later...

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