August 14, 2007

Stuck Stuck Stuck

This neckline is givin' me a spot-o-trouble.Note: only one saddle has been knit.

Am I thinking on it too much? I'm okay with the shoulders, even my ghetto "neckline" being so squarish and basically unstyled is okay. I can do it. But what about the low neck-back?

Would it have been worth the risk of having too little stitches for the saddle to follow the directions for the steeked neckline? Will the garter-stitch band make the too low neck-back work itself out? And if so, won't the front then be too high? Well, I'm gonna have to try something or I'll never know. I might try knitting an extra saddle (EZ calls it a shirt yoke) across the back like shown in the seamless hybrid in KWOT. Whatever I do, I am not sure I can still call it a pure saddle shoulder, but shit hopefully I can calling it "a sweater that fits".
Look at that numnum!

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