December 8, 2007

Doing my part for the enviroment

My car broke down. In front of a parking meter. A faulty parking meter. IS okay? Sure, I'm not contributing to the build-up of green house gases or the deterioration of the atmosphere. Until I fix it that is. Cause I have to.

That is such a sucky thing, to HAVE to use a car. Suck. Yeah, there are buses, but what good are they when you have one class after another and have to trust the bus to be on time? Lordy, what I wouldn't give for some acceptable public transport. Like in Boston. SIGH.

School isn't driving me entirely mad, at least. Seems that things are falling into place again. (might be in part due to the Sam-E.)Oh, yes, don't remind me that I made this blog to talk about knitting. I don't knit anymore. Where's the time? To be honest, since all I do is make things all day, when I have a chance to sit still, that is exactly what I want to do. Sit completely still, not thinking.

Played wonderful surrealist games last night.

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