April 18, 2007

so much white

Outdoor installation, you say? Why sure. Don't mind if I do. Here is a model I made in preparation for a biggie. Ideally, I will hang it from a tree in wings court in downtown New Bedford, and anyone who pleases can step inside and zip themselves right on up.

Hope it works. There's my ideas on paper (if ya are interested in the process I go through, which is usually very scatter-brained and...shitty). The interior will be lined in bubble-shaped cloth protrusions...good luck on figuring out what that means.
Here is my progress on tubey. Seems like it will be needed if the weather keeps up. I think a giant death cloud of moisture has descended upon my life.

Lalala! Happy girl! I want some of this! Any of it, really. Preferably this or this. This really describes my current situation, and showcases the colors of a fav artist. Hee hee. Off to the laundromat!

April 13, 2007

NOT knitting.okaymaybealittle.

Oh Shazaam, is that Lady Bill's kitchen? Well, it's part of it! Tiny, huh? Where I am standing to take the picture is where the stove and fridge are. I have a wooden microwave cart in there , too that I use to hold spices and as counter space for when I'm cookin'. I made brownies last night!! I really have the best recipe, fudgy on the inside and the crust has a delicious little crispy layer. And dammit if they don't taste better every day after they are baked.

Here are some little nettie-poos I made for an installation I made at the CVPA where I do my thing. I hot-glued (Sounds cheap, dude, but that shit works and it didn't show at all! I was a skeptic at first, too, until this little project.) some copper pipes under an industrial sink and hung these beauts from them. OF COURSE I don't have a picture of it installed, partly because my camera is heavy and hate lugging it around and partly because it was mysteriously taken down. Maybe the hot glue failed and I should amend my rave up there, but w/e. I can put it back up, or even somewhere else if I feel so inclined. Here they are:

Is that knitting?
Yup. It's the recycled cotton becoming tubey. I'm loving it. Really.
Here's the neat little crochet cast on.

I had drawn out some ideas for sweaters made from the yarn, and when I went searching for ideas in construction techniques, I found tubey, which is almost identical to my drawings. So, of course, I'll be making some changes.

The blue is my original drawing, black after finding pattern. I think I want to knit a square neckline instead of just literally attaching two tubes, like the pattern. I was also (obviously from the drawing) considering making a button band. Maybe I can still knit it in the round and then do that whole steeking thing. BUT I am wrong to assume I can steek cotton? I know all the examples I have seen on blogs have been wool.....I don't know. Anyway the edge and button band will just be seed stitch. I need a basic sweatery-thing that I can wear pretty often, and possibly layer. Cross your fingers for me!

April 1, 2007

Sunday, bloody Sunday.

Well, hello again! Here is a little baggie-poo I made for my gauche paints. Sweet, aint it? It's pretty small, that's just a regular sized button on it. I was still feeling the lump, so I finished this to help me get in the creatin' mood.

I went to the Boston craft extravaganza this afternoon. Jewelery stuff was pretty great. I was blown over by a stall of wooden spoons. Glass stuff was pretty generic and ugly. Fibers were generic and ugly, too. That sucked, cause I'm a fibers gal and I don't want my craft misrepresented. Overall, I'm not entirely sure it was worth the $15 entrance fee.

It was nice, however to get out for the afternoon. I finally ate some sushi, also, at my fav place: Symphony Sushi. Sweet. Do the caterpillar maki. It's worth it. Happy Day!