April 13, 2007

NOT knitting.okaymaybealittle.

Oh Shazaam, is that Lady Bill's kitchen? Well, it's part of it! Tiny, huh? Where I am standing to take the picture is where the stove and fridge are. I have a wooden microwave cart in there , too that I use to hold spices and as counter space for when I'm cookin'. I made brownies last night!! I really have the best recipe, fudgy on the inside and the crust has a delicious little crispy layer. And dammit if they don't taste better every day after they are baked.

Here are some little nettie-poos I made for an installation I made at the CVPA where I do my thing. I hot-glued (Sounds cheap, dude, but that shit works and it didn't show at all! I was a skeptic at first, too, until this little project.) some copper pipes under an industrial sink and hung these beauts from them. OF COURSE I don't have a picture of it installed, partly because my camera is heavy and hate lugging it around and partly because it was mysteriously taken down. Maybe the hot glue failed and I should amend my rave up there, but w/e. I can put it back up, or even somewhere else if I feel so inclined. Here they are:

Is that knitting?
Yup. It's the recycled cotton becoming tubey. I'm loving it. Really.
Here's the neat little crochet cast on.

I had drawn out some ideas for sweaters made from the yarn, and when I went searching for ideas in construction techniques, I found tubey, which is almost identical to my drawings. So, of course, I'll be making some changes.

The blue is my original drawing, black after finding pattern. I think I want to knit a square neckline instead of just literally attaching two tubes, like the pattern. I was also (obviously from the drawing) considering making a button band. Maybe I can still knit it in the round and then do that whole steeking thing. BUT I am wrong to assume I can steek cotton? I know all the examples I have seen on blogs have been wool.....I don't know. Anyway the edge and button band will just be seed stitch. I need a basic sweatery-thing that I can wear pretty often, and possibly layer. Cross your fingers for me!

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