June 29, 2007

I'm Baaaack (frigg 'yall)

Okay, I'm pretty sure I just write this blog for myself, but in case anyone is wondering where I disappeared to, I've been in marriage land. All is well and I still love my husband throughout the whole wedding process, which I hear is quite rare.
We have moved into our tiny, tiny, itsy, bitsy studio apartment. And guess what? I friggin love it! I friggin love the disgusting old-ass floor in the bathroom and kitchen which match the towels, shower, curtain, and table cloth already in my possession and my heart. If you only knew how much I pushed for us to register for the orange towels....not that we got them, or technically really needed them. But if we had, they would friggin match!
Only a few things went sour...like the T.V. we bought with our money dance haul; A 37" HD on clearance at walmart (tell me that isn't beautiful...) for the price of a 32". If you have investigated the prices of flatscreens....you know. Who knew 5" could cost so much? Well we couldn't wait to get this bad boy hooked up to the Xbox and DVD and, oh shit son, Wai Lana in 37" high definition!?! Drag it up two flights of stairs (the second of which is extremely narrow and steep), plug it is the wall and.......WEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! High pitch squeal. So that's at the shop...AND we're waiting for our back-ordered futon frame and coffee table. Sleeping on the floor, awesome.

So here's the knitting news:

RAVELRY! Right now I'm working on hubbie's glovies...and like everything else having minor problems. I did a brain fart with the ribbing and grabbed much to small needles, even though I made the gauge swatch with the ones I am now using for the hand. It's all good cause even though Ludog can't get his big honking hand through the ribbing right now, the rest is a breeze and I'll reknit that one's wrist part.

Also there are the damn twisted flowers socks. I posted about these forever ago, I know, but damn I had some hold-ups. After I had one sock completed, I just couldn't get over the disappointment that the pattern competed so much with the gorgeous color way. I also was a bit disappointed in the not-stretchy ribbing (which might factor into how tightly I knit on the hubbie glovies). Ripped that out...argh. I just frustrated myself into a hibernated knit. So, last night Ludog saw the picture on my ravelry projects and says, "YOU knit that? It's gorgeous!" I'm convinced. I'm definitely going to finish the gloves first.

I'm was so taken with Mr.BT's cardigan I decided to make one of my own. Been sitting on the pattern and yarn since before the wedding, and I can't wait to start. Just finishing up the cable charts and swatches (and of course the gloves. I will be massacred if I don't finish those).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So. Erica and I have both decided we would def wear what you knit. And I, personally, decided that I would also club you and Lucas over the head and steal your apartment. (I'd probably keep you in the closet and feed you brownies. I miss making brownies in your mom's kitchen.)
-love and kisses-